Northeast Pipeline Blockade Delivers Trifecta of Bad Outcomes: Dependence on Fuel Oil, Higher Prices, and More Foreign Energy Imports

Earlier this month, a group of senators primarily representing Northeastern states called on Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm to halt permits for new liquified natural gas (LNG) export facilities based on concerns that they harm U.S. energy consumers. The timing is noteworthy given the importance of U.S. energy exports to European allies seeking to diversify energy supplies in …

Northeast Pipeline Blockade Delivers Trifecta of Bad Outcomes: Dependence on Fuel Oil, Higher Prices, and More Foreign Energy Imports Read More »

Shifting Natural Gas and Oil Jobs to the Renewables Sector Isn’t So Simple

Within hours of taking office on January 20, 2021, President Joe Biden signed an executive order cancelling the cross-border permit for the Keystone XL pipeline as part of a plan to phase out natural gas and oil, eliminating thousands of family-sustaining jobs. At the same time, the Biden administration promised plenty of “good-paying” positions would …

Shifting Natural Gas and Oil Jobs to the Renewables Sector Isn’t So Simple Read More »

Marcellus Shale Impact Fees Projected to Rebound After Pandemic Slump

Impact fees from Pennsylvania’s shale gas wells are projected to bounce back this year from last year’s record low to the highest collection in three years. A new report from the Independent Fiscal Office credits a surge in natural gas prices for driving impact fees to an estimated $233.8 million for 2021. The total collection is …

Marcellus Shale Impact Fees Projected to Rebound After Pandemic Slump Read More »

Please don’t count American oil and gas production out

Heat or eat: That heart wrenching choice grows more probable for countless Americans with surging inflation, gasoline and natural gas prices at seven-year highs, and Americans’ winter heating bills set to rise by at least $13.6 billion over last year. These alarming jolts have been exacerbated by recent decisions that have discouraged investment in American …

Please don’t count American oil and gas production out Read More »

Letter to the editor: Severance tax not solution for Pa.’s recovery

For the seventh consecutive year, Gov. Tom Wolf proposes a severance tax in the state budget. The Wolf administration claims that the severance tax, along with other proposed taxes, will help us recover from the covid-19 crisis. The natural gas industry plays a critical role in developing products we use in our everyday lives as …

Letter to the editor: Severance tax not solution for Pa.’s recovery Read More »

Southeastern Pennsylvania Benefits From Energy Development

President Joe Biden’s $2.25 trillion American Jobs Plan seeks to put people to work by rebuilding our nation’s critical infrastructure. But his plan to “build back better” overlooks the backbone of America’s energy system: pipelines. Not only are these energy assets critical to powering our economy, pipelines are the lynchpin in helping the administration meet …

Southeastern Pennsylvania Benefits From Energy Development Read More »

State energy, manufacturing, building trades, business leaders tout Pennsylvania natural gas

With President Joe Biden’s $3 trillion infrastructure package on the table, Pennsylvania’s top building trades, business, manufacturing, and energy leaders on Wednesday stressed how state-produced natural gas plays a pivotal role in sustaining climate progress, creating good-paying jobs, and ramping up national security. “Thanks to America’s energy renaissance, Pennsylvania is well positioned to re-shore more …

State energy, manufacturing, building trades, business leaders tout Pennsylvania natural gas Read More »

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